Maintaining the Garden of the Heart!

Maintaining the Garden of the Heart! In this blog session I want to break down the characteristic of the "Fruit of the Spirit" Not only gain wisdom as to what our lives should reflect as a christian; but also be able to exercise discernment as to who and what is the REAL DEAL? Lets look at the heart as a garden. If we don't maintain it, it will be taken over by weeds. (Weeds of the world, of the mind and heart)! So in God's word, he instructs us as to what resembles a flower (good fruit) and what is a weed (sin) that needs to be pulled out (literally out of our life) in order for the garden to thrive. And remember to daily water the Garden of the Heart with His LIVING WATER! Without His LIVING water the bloom of life will shrivel and die. John 4:10 Jesus answered her, "if you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have gen you "Living Water." Jeremiah 2:13 ...