
Showing posts from November, 2015

Be Held!

Be Held! I have to be honest and share that sometimes it would be nice to be held by the arms of a man.  God did bless me with a son, who is now a man, who hugs me often!    Being single sometimes brings loneliness and when you deal with that and with the other issues of life, such as finances, health, and the burdens of others, it can be a difficult road, let's say impossible.  Some of you out there are married and still feel this sense of loneliness!  Loneliness prods me on to the exact reason why I can't walk this road alone.  I wasn't meant to walk it alone and I don't think you are meant to walk it alone either.  It isn't a choice for me, it is a necessity to believe! It is faith that finds it's way to my heart, through the flawless, unfailing, unfathomable love of a generous, gracious loving Lord!  I must have His living water and partake daily.  I need His words and His Holy spirit to penetrate my soul!  Lets just feel ...

The gift of the Kiss!

The gift of the Kiss!  I love the way Ann Voskamp puts it, as you unwrap the gift, it is but a kiss. Your story and my story and the story of the unborn begins with the simplicity of the kiss of love!  In the beginning is when the story came about.  It starts with a kiss from above.  The Father of the whole universe knelt close and closer until  His breath breathed upon our being and His life and love filled us warm and fully alive!  Our Father knows the greatest gift that our heart really needs and wants is the ultimate gift of love.  To feel safe and secure within His arms of compassion.   Our masterpiece in life is really all about the story, the real story of Christ!  If we take our focus off what is real and important, our focus becomes worthless instead of worthy.  There was a story of a man who bought a painting at a yard sale.  For a long time he thought is was worth very little and he hung it in his mu...

There is Sunshine within my Soul!

There is Sunshine within my Soul!  A remembrance of Him!  We have had so many beautiful sunrises and sunsets!  Have we thanks our Heavenly Father above for such a beautiful display of His love?  And he shall be as the light of the morning, when the sun riseth, even a morning without clouds, as the tender grass springing out of the earth by clear shining after rain.   2 Samuel 23:4 We often think of rain as a bad day; but is it?  When it rains it reminds me of God's living water!  When the water hits the earth it causes life, for the grass that withers, for the trees that grow, for the bloom yet to blossom and the rivers that flow!  Did you know that when a baby is born their body is composed of 78% water.  God's living water is so important!  There is another passage in the Bible that talks of this living water.  During one of Jesus' many journeys, he traveled through Sameria.  He came upon a Samaritan city...