I give you my peace!

I give you my peace! We are in tumultuous days where there is disquietude and anxiety from every direction. As the news proclaims earthquakes and plagues and presidential elections with no concrete answers in sight to man's plight. There are wars and rumors of wars on the horizon and no peace to be found. I thought it a good time to share God's peace. Try turning the TV and technology OFF for a moment and concentrate on the words of a living God! A God's whose spirit is encompassed by complete order, contentment, tranquility and peace! His word is a lamp unto our feet and a light to our path (Psalms 119:103-105) He also says in Psalms 34:14 to seek out His peace. Sometimes He brings us to a point where we pursue it! We long to hear His sweet words as they are sweeter than honey to our lips. The Lord instructs us on how to obtain peace, He says in Psalms 119: 165 if we look to His laws and love them, He will give u...