Love never fails!

Love never fails! It's been awhile since I wrote my last post. So, I thought it time to write again. When I think of "love never failing" it gives me a warm feeling in my heart. Isn't it true that we can make it through most anything if we know we are loved! It gives us this hidden energy to fight whatever battle we have in front of us. Sometimes it is difficult to love, because in order to love, we need to take the focus off of ourselves and put it on someone else. I think we all have the tendency to think and say, "what about me?" What about me, is really all about you! I think God gave us the ability to look beyond ourselves and to connect with love outside of who we are. In fact this, I think is our purpose. It is to love outside of ourselves. One of the greatest commandments was to love our neighbor as ourselves and to love God with our whole being. Luke 10:27 Recently I have been trying to learn mor...