
When we are filled with self, there is no room for anyone else. I woke up the other morning with this quote on my mind. It is so easy to withdraw within ourselves Lacking -. (of a person, action, or motive) lacking consideration for others; concerned chiefly with one's own personal profit or pleasure: It is good to take an inventory of the heart to see where or if there is lack? Is the heart in a state of being without? Or not having enough of something, such as love? How do we cultivate love? It doesn't just happen as we often think it should. It is a choice! It is choosing to be patient when the situation is chaotic. It is choosing to be kind, when we feel like lashing out in the inside. It is protecting by NOT saying anything, when all we feel like doing is to project stinking thinking verbally. Choose to trust, because another person often acts out the way we treat them. Always keep the mindset...