The Journey

Through tears I find you here again. I was listening to a beautiful song today called “Find you here”, by Ellie Holcomb. Some songs just pierce the heart deeper than what you could ever imagine. Some songs carry such a strong witness, the REAL of life. How do we take and place one foot in front of another when we have had such disappointment here in life? Her song rings loud in my ears and heavy on my heart as I enter the threshold of my doorway, as tears trickle down my cheeks, yet another day. Her voice rings out, “it’s not the news that any of us hoped we would hear. It’s not the road we would have chosen, no the only thing that we can see is darkness ahead. Then between the lyrical words, His voice speaks softly. I am asking you to lay your worry down and sing a song instead. It echoed within my soul, the melody penetrating my heart, head and soul -sing a song instead, He says?” I didn’t know ...