
Faith Do you have a friend who can keep you accountable? A friend that reminds you of your own instability or the real truth of who you are? Who wants to hear about our weaknesses as humans? It's like having someone hit you over the head with a wooden plank! It's downright PAINFUL!!! Are we true to ourselves, or do we have a fake facade? The Lord brought me a word today, that felt like a wooden plank! Don't we often want him to just cuddle us and pamper us and spoil us! Who doesn't. But, as a Father wanting the very best for and from us, He always needs to give us truth! Of course don't forget the grace - (His arms around us as He teaches and instructs.) A friend and I were talking about losing weight and focusing on eating with a healthier lifestyle in mind. I think deep inside we each think that being a little over weight makes us unattractive. However, what God says about being unattrac...