Push It Back!

Pushing Back the Dark Do you ever feel like a single candle in the dark, and wonder what possibly you could do to make a difference? Does somebody need the light you have? In pushing back the dark...a song by Josh Wilson, it talked about letting your light so shine. Don't under estimate the God you follow. Whatever you do, don't lose heart. This morning I was going to talk about hiding God's word in your heart. Then, this afternoon I had an errand to run. I got into my car turned on the radio and the song came on, "Pushing back the Dark." A million reasons why we shouldn't try. Let your light so shine. Don't under estimate the God you follow! Somebody needs the light you have! That is the truth, they do! Don't lose heart, keep on pushing back the dark with God's word, it's a sword, it's your salvation in a wicked world. Yes, his song made me think about hiding God's word in your heart. ...