come back to my First Love! Come back to my First Love! What a busy and demanding week. It's not good for the soul to be gone for too long in the busyness of life. Though we feel death in the flesh, He always has a way to prick the soul alive with His love and grace! He reminds me softly by a song playing while I travel home for lunch. I often look and listen to the world around me, and I hear sarcasm through meaningless jokes and "noise"! Does anyone genuinely love anymore? It seems to be all about attention, about me, me and more me! About sexual, bi-sexual, homo-sexual, hetero-sexual? What about taking sexual out of the picture and lets talk about "REAL" love! The kind of love that would die for YOU! The kind of love that did DIE for YOU! Lets talk about the LOVE that sacrifices, that honors, who respects YOU and the creation of mankind and everything around it? What about the one who says we are "fearfully and wonderfully made"...