In His Presence!

In His Presence! 

In my own pursuit of His presence, I found the beginning in Hebrews, chapter 11 - without faith, it is impossible to please Him.  In His presences we are framed by the word of God, this is our picture.  The picture is of Him and the frame is made from faith.  If you want to be in the Presence of an Almighty God, we need to be framed by His word.  I am a woman seeking after God's heart!  Revealing the heart of God.  However; I cannot be in the presence of God without first believing.  Hebrews 11:6

When I think about being in the presence of God, I often think about King David who was a man after God's heart!  David's heart reflected contrast, just like our heart, he was guilty of so many sins, yet he was passionately committed to God! 

We can see our own weaknesses within the dynamics of David's own life.  He faced so many worldly frustrations, by living under the shadow of his brothers, than constantly running from the wickedness of King Saul.  Even after he became king of Israel, David engaged in almost constant warfare to defend the kingdom.  He became a great military conqueror; but he was unable to conquer himself, his life was like a roller coaster of emotional highs and lows.  As I write this, I see familiar aspects in my own life, do you? 

I can relate to King David's heart because I think he had the mind of an artist too.  He left us examples of passionate love of God and I am deeply touched daily by his beautiful poetry that penetrates the most desperate of hearts.

One of the famous stories of old was David killing Goliath, champion of the Philistines!  We all have so many Goliath's in our lives, strongholds that are much larger then ourselves.  But God tells us that "greater is He that is in us, then He that is in the World."  Lets take the stone of truth and sling it hard at our own Goliath!  The reason David had victory was because he did not depend on his own strength to win earthly battles.  He put his trust in a eternal and almighty God!   

Thou David had several opportunities to kill King Saul, God's first anointed king, who relentlessly pursued David out of mad, crazy jealousy, David refused to kill King Saul.  He instead became friends with Saul's son Jonathan, setting an example of "real" friendship we all can learn from.  

Do we have mad, crazy jealousy today toward someone else, or is someone jealous of you today?  Part of being in the presence of God is obedience to his word and functioning within the frame work of "faith".  In Matthew 5:44 it says, "But I say to you love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good and sends rain on the just and on the unjust."  Take the stone of truth and kill evil with love and prayer! 

Can we be in the "Faith Hall of Fame" like David was?  God says He is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.  1 John 1:9 - There is nothing too big and bad that he cannot "sling the stone of truth" against it and kill it!  Remember, Christ is our cornerstone, without this one stone the "cornerstone" the house will fall! 

It is necessary to see our sin for what it is and repent of it.  We may try and fool ourselves or others, but we cannot hide it from God.  He always holds the fruit of forgiveness - 
1 John 1:9! 

 In Psalms 23 the poetry David wrote, clearly explains God's value toward our faith!  Despite what we may feel about ourselves, He is ever present, framed faith as we display His words with our actions.  What hangs on the wall of your heart today?  What is on the Wall of mine?  What picture do people see when they see you or me? Lets hold on to the stone of "Truth" as we enjoy the presence of the Holy One!  Psalms 46:1 - God is our refuge and our strength and very present help when in trouble!  

Heart Homework: 1 Samuel 16 through Kings 2 


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