
Showing posts from June, 2014


Judgement  When we have the mind-set of judging others; whether we think they are hypocrite, a horrible sinner, not holy, we take the element of LOVE out of the picture.  Why does God terry, because HE is the judge, we are not.  He is LOVE and it is our job to love our neighbor as ourselves.   Oh, isn't this commandment difficult at times, because when others do things that we feel deserve judgment; we judge.  Lamentations 3:22  It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassion's fail not.   They are new every morning; great is thy faithfulness!  Matthew 5:44 Jesus said, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which dispitefully use you, and persecute you; that ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven; for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.  For if ye love ...


Treasure Hidden in the Heart!  Take an inventory of your treasures or jewels that lye hidden in your heart!  Is it a kind word? A precious moment that has turned to memory?  Spending time with family or a beloved friend?  How about just pure joy!  We have those moments every day, they are treasures within our heart!  How about when you share your knowledge with others?  Or they share their wisdom with you?  Helping those in need.  It is more blessed to give, then to receive.  What about the things we see every day?  Beautiful birds singing, or a stunning landscape, or a sunset that literally takes your breath away!  All of these things are treasures or jewels hidden in your heart.  I challenge you to take an inventory of all your treasure!  Put it out on the table, name them one by will surprise you of what God has done.  Life is moment by moment!   How can we compare the Kingdom o...

Born Again from a caterpillar to a butterfly

You must be born again!  Just when the caterpillar thought the journey was over, it transformed to a butterfly!  The reason I am using a picture of butterflies is because it is a great analogy of being born again.   "Jesus answered and said unto him, verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.  I say unto you except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.  That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit." John 3:3-5 When God said this, he was talking about two different state of beings, one is being flesh and the other being spirit.  As the life of the caterpillar converts to a new life of a butterfly, the caterpillar was never able to fly.  As the new birth happens, the butterfly is able to fly!  Can we honestly go back to the mother's womb to be reborn?  No, this isn't what God was t...