
Treasure Hidden in the Heart! 

Take an inventory of your treasures or jewels that lye hidden in your heart!  Is it a kind word? A precious moment that has turned to memory?  Spending time with family or a beloved friend?  How about just pure joy!  We have those moments every day, they are treasures within our heart!  How about when you share your knowledge with others?  Or they share their wisdom with you?  Helping those in need.  It is more blessed to give, then to receive.  What about the things we see every day?  Beautiful birds singing, or a stunning landscape, or a sunset that literally takes your breath away!  All of these things are treasures or jewels hidden in your heart.  I challenge you to take an inventory of all your treasure!  Put it out on the table, name them one by will surprise you of what God has done.  Life is moment by moment!  

How can we compare the Kingdom of  Heaven? 

It starts out small, one treasure at a time (hidden in our heart) - like a mustard seed, one of the smallest seeds on earth.  When you plant it, it is oh so tiny!  But when you see it grow, it grows huge and the branches create shade and the birds lodge under the shadow of it.  What I am trying to say is this, throw out those things that are not treasure, such as anger, bitterness, strife, grief, sadness, jealousy, and replace it with moments of joy, moments of great memories, moments of kindness, moments of love, those things that sparkle like jewels, your treasures! I think we can have a little bit of Heaven hidden in our heart right here on earth!

Philippians 4: 8


  1. Love the photo Pam. Stunning.

  2. Thank you! This photo was taken in North Carolina....and what makes it so special is I have a sister in Christ that lives there. We just got back from visiting her family! What a treasure is was!


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