
Showing posts from December, 2014

Day 1 - New Year 2015

Day 1 of the New Year 2015 Let me not lose sight of you Lord Jesus!  1)Happiness 2.)Abiding in the Lord  3.) Power of your Word 4.) The inspiration of the Holy Spirit!  5.) Not allowing the woes of this world to rule my state of mind.  6.) I CAN have happiness!  7.) I CAN abide in the Lord!  8.) I HAVE power through His Word!  9.) I HAVE inspiration through the Holy Spirit!  10.) Most thankful for the joyful journey ahead as YOU Lord hold my hand!  Psalms 30:11 - We can change lament into whirling dancing!  Let your vision be the burst of song; I can't keep quiet about you! 

Sand of the Ocean!

Something to think about.  If we carry worldly treasures, if they are not stolen, they soon deteriorate.  Even the IRS has a depreciation formula for those things that depreciate over time.  What did you receive this year that you will either forget about, or it will stop working by the years end, or shortly after.  What can our heart hold on to, if everything around us is slowing decaying?  Even the sand of the ocean, rushes in, only to flow back out with each tide.   So how does one keep a steady, whole heart in such a deteriorating environment? A world filled with loss and decay.   "For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?"  Yesterday, I ended with Psalms 36:7 -  Our hearts and souls can be hidden beneath the shadow if His wings; where pleasures abound.  God says, even if I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the utt...

Revealing the Heart in the New Year!

artwork by pj Revealing the Heart!  Inspired by the LIVING word of GOD !  It has been awhile since I have blogged and it is almost a new year!  Did you know that each day reveals the heart?  The heart is exposed by the decisions we make, by our actions, by the things we say, what we think, how we act, what we do!   It makes me shiver to think my heart may be exposed, just out there, naked before the world.  The more we remove layers, the colder it seems to become.  Until one day we realize our heart is frozen in indifference.  What are the layers I am talking about?  As we grow in this world, we learn to cover our heart so it isn't exposed to the natural elements of this world; at least we think our heart isn't exposed.  Until hurt creeps in slowly, breaking it apart, rips off those emotional blankets we have so carefully placed, piece by piece, by rejection, betrayal, hurtful words, by loss, by suffering.  No one...