Abundant Life!
Do we really think about scripture when we read it? Or do you glaze over it and go right on thinking about something else? Sometimes I look up words to see what the definition is, just to find out more about what that word really means! Today I choose the word "abundant" and this is what came up as the definition: Plentiful, copious, ample, profuse, rich, lavish, abounding, liberal, generous,
bountiful, large, huge, great, overflowing!
So what God is saying in John 10:10 is that he came to give us life; not just an ordinary life, but an abundant life, a life filled with plenty, profusely rich, lavish and abounding! He wants to give us a liberal and generous life, large, great and bounteous! If you are a parent, then you have some idea of what you want for your own children. How much more does God love us? He gave us the most precious thing anyone could; he gave us His Son! His only son! He came as a man so we might live! Not just an ordinary life, but a life filled with his abundant grace! He gave us hope that holds an expectant heart! He gave us Joy unspeakable and full of glory.
We can talk about these words, but in order for them to work in our life, we need to put them to action through faith and through believing! I think sometimes we put the limits on God's love with the way we think. Our thinking may come from an impoverished heart, instead of a heart filled and overflowing with His grace and love!
Heart Homework: Psalms Chapter 62 - Expectant of His Glory and Love! Every day look for it and praise Him for it!
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