
Showing posts from July, 2016

Joy comes from Peace!

  Joy comes from Peace!  "May the God of hope fill you with all JOY and PEACE as you TRUST in HIM!  Romans 15:13 This is what my GOD tells me in His word!  Don't starve yourself of God's bread of life! Clothe yourself with His wisdom and experience His JOY!  For He Himself is our peace - Ephesians 2:14 "Our JOY is our STRENGTH! I have listened to some videos lately focused on the end times and bombarded with negative thought, politically, socially, emotionally and spiritually.  If we are carried off by this negative attitude and thought pattern, it robs us of our PEACE and most important JOY!  HeShem our God gives us PEACE!  We need to remember to NOT take confidence in MAN.  God tells us this in His word in the middle of the Bible.   Psalms 118:8 -  It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. When I start to feel overwhelmed with what man has to say, whether it is Donald Tr...


Judgement Today's blog is directed towards believers - those who have faith in Jesus Christ as their Messiah.  As we read Matthew 7:1-3 it tells us to be careful when we judge because this same measure will be given unto you.  Most of us see these verses as NOT to judge at all.  It all happened in the garden so many years ago.  Was there judgement so many years ago when Eve was deceived by the serpent by eating the fruit of the tree of good and evil? Do we see people's actions, always as a beautiful garden?What does our own conscience tell us when it comes to judging things and actions around us? Does all judgement belong to God? Do we leave all discernment up to God?  In 1 Corinthians 2:15 it says "But the person who has the Spirit can evaluate everything, while no one is in a position to evaluate him." - we are to have the mind of the Messiah! Judge not, that ye be not judged.   For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and w...


Wisdom Have you ever tried to discern whether someone was giving you wisdom from above or a story to fulfill their own agenda?  Seems more and more, the longer I live there is an absences of trust in the world and man's word.  Maybe, I myself have heard just one too many stories, only to realize that the phrase "what's in it for me" is hidden deep within it, like the thorns protruding from the cactus.  It's not too often you hear a beautiful story about love, going the extra mile and having a worn sole to prove it.  Or the story of "do unto other as you would like them to do unto you."  Or giving to a person those things they desperately need, like love; just imagine it would be like giving water to the flower so it could produce a beautiful bloom!  Most stories are riddled with untruth, exaggeration and plain, old, lies.  Maybe I have a biased view because I am a single woman who has experienced the great advancements in technology and da...

He lives!

He lives!!  Sometimes a song just comes out of my heart, so it is good to write down the lyrics.  This particular  author is Alan Jackson.  We sing all of his songs at one of our local nursing home facilities and the lyrics just resonant the room.  The words are hidden in my heart as I give each resident a hug, as I look in their faces and I see a sweet, gentle smile looking back at me and one from above.  Oh yes, I serve a risen Savior, he is in the world today.  I know that he is LIVING whatever men may say.  Yes, I see his hand of mercy, I hear his voice of cheer and just the time I need him, he is always near!  Each face represents God's love, his joy, his peace, each fruit almost ready to be sown to heavenly places  as we sing God's praises standing before His throne!  Each of us with the assurance of life eternal in the land of paradise! Not only a land of paradise but heavenly crowns. 10  For we must all...

Search me!

Search Me!  The longer I live in this world the more I realize that this world only wants to search your thoughts and know you so it can judge you, test you, embarrass you, shame you, play games with you, call you a liar, call you desperate and accuse you.  It's so harsh as you realize how desperate your heart really is, when you fall into diverse temptations in the games of the world and you LOSE!  When you wear your heart on your shoulder, it gets pushed off and squashed under the pressure of pure, unadulterated deceit!  Your whole body, mind and soul shutter!   Work out your salvation with fear and trembling!   12  Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling!   What does this verse mean, I think it means exactly what it says.  This world is filled with deceit, with lies, with darkness and with de...