Abba, Father

Abba, Father

It's so comforting to know I have a heavenly Father that allows me to call him Abba, Father!  The word Abba in Aramaic terms means "Daddy".    I remember calling my father dad, but never daddy.  To me, "daddy" means a real closeness, a safe harbor to go to if in trouble, or sad, or sharing feelings of disappointment, or just having a time of encouragement and uplifting!  

I never felt particularly close to my father as I was growing up; in fact, on many occasions, it was a very turbulent atmosphere in our home.  One of anger, fighting and disappointment.   A meal wasn't made right.  We didn't bring my father the right tool when he screamed for it.  I think there were more curse words then the regular English language.  My father, for most of his life, lived scared and insecure.  And I think my mom did too.  I always felt in fear of a violent verbal lashing for failed expectations.  As I grew up and had my own children I remember one occasion when he called my own children heathen.  I cannot explain the contempt I felt.  Many years have passed and I did forgive my father because I don't think he even realized the effect he had on his children.  And  I think he must have been very miserable on the inside to convey such turmoil on the outside.  

In Galatians 4:5 God sent forth his Son, to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons!  And He said that because we were sons/daughters God sent forth the spirit of his Son into our hearts crying Abba, Father.  You are no longer a servant, but a son/daughter and an heir of God through Christ!  What a relief to know I have a daddy I can call upon in any situation!  A father that not only expresses love; but IS love!

In Matthew 25:23  What a blessing, what an immense JOY to be able to run to my Father and He say, "Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy Lord."  It's like having wings to fly (confidence) and at the same time being able to rest in Him.  Joy - the emotion evoked by well being.  It is well with my soul! 

And if this isn't enough to have a loving daddy; He reminds me in John 16:24, that all I need to do is ask in His name and I shall receive, so my JOY may be full! 

Heart Homework:  John 3:16

Psalms 37:26 - "He is ever merciful!


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