Love your Neighbor!

Love your Neighbor!

A friend of mine and I were talking yesterday about facebook and how people hide you if they are annoyed or just don't want to see your content.  I was thinking to myself, why have facebook, if everyone is hiding you and you them?  Well, regardless of how social media is structured; God tells us to love our neighbor!  In fact, this is one of His most important commandments! "But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despite fully use you, and persecute you." Mathew 5:44.

So, He not only tells us to love our neighbor; but to also love our enemies.  Ouch, how difficult is that?  It can't be done in the flesh!  We need to lean on the Holy Spirit as we walk-out our love.  He also tells us that it is easy to love those that love us.  What reward do you receive as you love those that already love you?  Matthew 5:46  Leviticus 19:18

There is a story found in Luke 10:30 - about a certain man whom was robbed and beaten and laid on the side of the road, almost dead.  First a priest went that way and saw him, but he past and did not help him.  Then a Levite, came and actually went over and looked at him and past to the other side of the street to avoid him!  Then came a Samaritan as he journeyed, he happen to see him and when he saw him, he had compassion on him.  He went to him and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him.  

As he departed the day after, he took out two pence, and gave them to the host, and said unto him, take care of him; and if he spends more I will pay you when I get back.  This man wasn't in a particular group, or significant in anyway.  He was a man on the side of the road robbed, beaten and left to die.  

How many of us have been mentally, emotionally, or even physically robbed of joy, and our peace and our heart feels beaten, leaving us wanting to die or at least cry out to God, why?  I am not sure that we have fulfilled the destiny that God has set before us?  Do we really love our neighbor? 

In Luke 10:36 - Jesus said, "Which now of these three, do you think was neighbor unto him that fell among the thieves?"

Something to think about as we walk out our faith and love!

Do I block people on facebook? "No" only if there is abuse involved, then I would block someone.  I enjoy hearing from others, especially good news!  I love seeing beautiful things that others produce and I want to pray for those that our struggling with health issues, or any burden! (Oh, yes, we all have them)!  I feel so fortunate knowing that others care, don't you?  God says that love heals all wounds, both emotionally and physically.  We are here, right now, today to be vessels of God's love!  How can we love, today, right here, right now?

God tells us to think of the Lovely, the true, the pure and to focus on these things!  They are worthy of praise! He says to rejoice not in iniquity, but rejoice in the truth; bearing all things, believing all things, hoping all things and enduring all things.  Love (Charity never fails!) Galatians 13:7-8

Galatians 6:2
"Bear ye one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ!

Ask the Holy Spirit to help you as you walk out your relationship with Him - (Jesus) 


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