Practicing the presence of God!

Practicing the presence of God! 

Looking out the window this morning I was pondering on how do you practice the presence of God?  While I clicked the camera to capture new birds as they appeared on the scene, my heart felt thankful.  It isn't the birds that I worship, but a God (the spirit of love) that creates these majestic creatures.  John 4:24 - God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.  When the world becomes so noisy and loud, it is so distracting!  You can lose sight of His Spirit and His Love, if you are not diligently looking for it.  He never leaves or forsakes us, (that spirit of Love) but sometimes we grow further from it.  We are like sheep, going our own way. 1 Peter 2:25.  The only way that the spirit of love can communicate with us, is through His word.  The only way I will see the birds is through feeding them.  This is how God feeds us, is through His word.  When we feel alone, His promise is "I will never leave you or forsake you."  His presence is in and through me and all around me.  He tells us in Hebrews that we always have access to the throne of grace to help in time of need.  It's a movement of eloquence, grace, like the delicate bird perched, waiting and anticipating it's feeding.  It's free and unmerited as the bird partakes in it's feast!  This is God's love toward us.  We have inherited His promises!  Greater is He that is in us, then He that is in the world!  

We became so distracted as a human race that he (the spirit of love) had to come as a man.  The son of God.  John 3:16 - 17, 18.  he brought light, where there was darkness! 

When Jesus walked here on the face of this earth, it says in  (Mathew 14:17) there was a particular time when a multitude of people were there in the wilderness listening to what he had to say.  (Practicing the presence of God)  It was mid afternoon and there was only one in the crowd of 4000 that had anything to eat.  There were seven loafs of bread and a few little fish.  Jesus took the food and gave thanks and break them.  He then gave them to His disciples to pass out to the crowd.  When everyone was finished eating, there were 7 full baskets left! 

Some times we need to be reminded of the power of God.  We need to practice the presence of God!  I bring my basket of woe to a Savior that can refill it with the right food for my soul!  He can take the lurking darkness and make it light.  He is still the God of miracles for the mess we sometimes see ourselves in.  As we work out our salvation, we are practicing the presences of God! 


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