My cup runs over!

My cup Runs over!

Tonight's blog is for me; but I will share it!  By the way this has to be the worse painting I have ever done! But, it still slightly resembles a few cups that look like they are about ready to fall over!  Yup, that's me today.  And to be honest, everyday if I don't stay focused on the light of His word.  What does your cup hold?  Is your stack of do's and don't ready to do you in?  Like shatter all over the floor?  What does your soul look like this morning, or should I ask?  I don't know about you but some days I need to just empty my cup (my soul) with the bitter, mixed up with worry and lies, and any other kind of junk that clogs things up, tip it over and spill it out.  Drain out the bad and fill it up with the good! Let the Lord refill it!  

The coffee was bitter today, too strong, not smooth and just not the kind of cup I wanted to start my day with!  So, I envision my soul being poured out until there is room for strong, smooth and just right content that I can digest with no heart burn!  The Lord shared with me a very familiar passage; one I have said over and over again in so many circumstances.  He needed to remind me that He is my Shepherd, I shall not want....what about those feelings that scream at you!?  He makes me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.  Really, He does have to "make me" rest; because I am always thinking, planning, going, circles most of the time.  

He restores my soul:  Oh yes, I need this cup jammed packed with grace every day!  He leads me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.  This is the part where I have to lean on Him, because, if I don't those cups would surely fall and shatter everywhere!  Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, "I will fear no evil for thou art with me; thy rod and staff comfort me.  I don't want to be dramatic; but doesn't some days just seem like the shadow of death, and other days are literally experiencing death!  So, even if I walk through these kind of days, He promises to walk with me with His rod and staff to comfort me.  Let me practice His Presences!  Just practice His Presences! 

No more cooking!  Thou prepares a table before me in the presence of mine enemies; thou anoints (He is not upset with me today!) my head with oil; my cup runneth over.  Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever!

Heart Homework:  If you want to feel better! 
Psalms 23


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