Cup of the Day

Cup of the Day! 

Do you ever just need a fresh glass of water? 

Do you ever just need to hear good things, instead of bad?  -- The list goes on, bad health, a person's bad actions, bad weather; can we see through the bad?  Doesn't bad stop you in your tracks?  It's like a thick, grey cloud that hovers, choking life.

I speak encouragement today, let it cut through and clear the bad, clear the choke.  I speak love, let it melt the bitter!  I speak a good report on all that are reporting, allow the sun to shine!  Don't cap off the light, allow it to glow stead, strong in the dark!

I speak living water over a parched heart and dry soul!  Until it is beating strong with JOY! 

 Isaiah 55:1

Heart Homework: John 7:37 &38 - Just ask Jesus!


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