Cup of the Day!

Cup of the Day! 

What's your cup of the Day? 

Today was an "Awehaa" moment!  Like Oprah always says when she gets a revelation, she has an "Awehaa" moment!  Except my revelation came from the Holy Spirit.  We hear often that we are made in secret and we are fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalms 139:14) Just think about it, there is no other YOU walking on the face of this earth.  YOU are an original!  YOU are custom made!  WoW!  Just take 5 minutes and think about this!  If a painting is valuable when it is in it's original state, how much more valuable is the REAL thing! That REAL thing is YOU!  Without YOU, it just wouldn't be the same!  Without YOU and every little unique, quirky, and special thing, the world would be missing out, without YOU!  So, whoever YOU are, take a sip of this "living water" and see how you feel! God made YOU after the image of Him, with your own special attitude, ideas, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, voice, legs and arms.  Some with less, and others with more; but all having something to share; because no one else is JUST LIKE YOU!  Your purpose is being YOU! Our purpose is also to have fellowship with love, first by loving who made you, then loving who YOU are in Christ.  Do you know that God (the spirit of love) knows you by name!  He knows of every hair on your head and His thoughts of you are as many as the sand by the sea!

It makes me want to give everybody a big hug because they are SO special!  You know how some people cherish an original....well that original is YOU! 

This cup should quench a thirsty heart and soul! 

Heart Homework: Isaiah 45:3 & Isaiah 43:1&2
(Read the whole chapter)


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