Perfect Peace!

Perfect Peace! 

How do we keep our mind and heart in perfect peace when the world around us has gone mad!  How do we keep God's commandments and they not be burdensome to us?   In Isaiah, it tells us how we can accomplish this.  And these days, we need an instruction manual (Bible) on how to detour the drama!  Isaiah 26:3  Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee:  because he trusts in thee.  Trust ye in the Lord for ever:  for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength!

The worse the world becomes the more we need to worship, focus, and seek a loving Saviour who does show compassion and kindness in a place that has waxed cold!  Sometimes we need to review God's word to see what this LOVE thing is all about; because so many have lost their way! We need to stay pressed down with JOY because it is our strength!  Covered with the fruit of the spirit, by walking out our salvation.  Look at our neighbor as if it were Jesus himself!  The faith of a tiny mustard seed will produce peace, and gentleness, goodness and temperance! 

There certainly are laws for everything in the  world today; and a hefty price to keep them and also to not keep them.  But if we only display the "fruit of the spirit" - there is NO law on the books to display grace!  None!  It is free for the asking, it is free for the giving!  Perfect peace is found within prayer, with getting to know more of who God is.  "For every one that asks will receive; and he that seeks shall find: and to him that knocks. it shall be opened! This is God's promise to you! 

Hallelujah Jesus!

Heart Homework: 

Matthew 7:7-17


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