

Oh, how I love the song by MercyMe - Flawless! 

Oh, how I love you Lord!  I am forgiven because of YOU! I am flawless in your sight, because you see me through Jesus, your Holy Son!  

"No matter what you say, or what you think you are, the day you called HIS name - HE MADE YOU FLAWLESS!" Oh, my, the cross has made me Flawless!!!  Say it again, it doesn't matter what someone's opinion is....all He requires is belief, that thing called faith!  You are beautiful in the eyes of the Redeemer! 

Grace say's it doesn't matter, because the Cross already won the war!  Put your dancing shoes on, show those beautiful feathers!  Greater is the one living inside of you, than he that is living in the world!  JOY!!!! JOY!!!! and MORE JOY!!!

"He that believes on Him is not condemned: but he that believes not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.  And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather 
than light, because, their deeds were evil."

Your worth doesn't come from what we do; but what God did for us!  
The Truth is the Cross has made you flawless.....
no matter how deep the hurt is or the wound is
the cross has made you flawless! 

Unconditional LOVE! 

He has you wrapped, all wrapped up in His Righteousness! 
He has it all wrapped up....in His compassionate arms!
He has it wrapped up.....the veil has been torn!
He has it all wrapped up.....because your faith is His righteousness! 

God is Good!  Oh, God is Good! 

Heart Homework:  John chapter 3!!
Romans 10:9
Matthew 10:32
Romans 14
1 John 1:9
Philippians 2:8-11

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