
Mercies On the way home tonight I was listening to a song on the radio. Once in awhile a song really speaks to me as if it is the Lord himself sitting right next to me. It has been a day of tears and disappointment, not much unlike many other days that have past. This particular song is by Laura Story, called Blessing - Mercies in disguise. It was as if this song had soft hands that held my own soul. I don't know about you, but my main dialog in prayer is praying for those I love and care about. I pray for blessings and I also pray for peace. I pray for comfort for my family and others; along with protection while they sleep. One by one the list goes on, as we pray for healing, for prosperity, for the might hand of God to ease our suffering! It was at this moment I knew there was another kindred heart out there, similar to mine. A heart that still cares; but the need so vast only an almighty could conquer the desp...