Set my heart on fire!

Set my heart on fire! 

Sitting outside at night with the stars miraculously scattered above and the fire blazing is almost mesmerizing!  Relaxing, a time to reflect.  What does it take Lord to set my heart on fire for your blazing LOVE? What does it take to make it real, like the heat that permeates the coldness of the air, and causes the  melting of the frozen soul? The closer you come to the blaze, the warmer you become.  As you fuel the fire, it reaches toward the Heavens with twinkling, sparks of light, and crisp crackling sounds penetrating the quietness and calm of that still night.  

Once the fire is burning in the soul, how do you keep it burning?  Stir it up with a branch.  God's word is used as a branch to stir the soul, to prick the conscience of the mind.  To keep it ignited - "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God"  Romans 12:2

To set your heart on fire, it takes lighting fluid - the living water, the word of God!  To keep the blaze burning, it needs to have something new to burn as the fire begins to smolder and dye down, where you see smoke only and no fire.  ( as I looked up the definition of smolder - it also said 
to feel a strong emotion but keep it hidden.

He tells us to love without dissimulation (don't conceal your thoughts, feelings or character)  Don't keep love hidden, let it show like a blazing fire!  Cleave to that which is good, stay close to the blaze (LOVE) to keep your heart warm, and your soul filled with the heat of Love!  

After sitting by the fire for awhile your soul is rejoicing in that HOPE, you heart becomes patient, even through a day of tribulation and your heart is continuously in the silence of prayer. Keep looking up into that star filled sky.  Our King is coming again!  He is here now in your heart, in the form of the Holy Spirit.  Set my heart on fire for you Lord! 

Heart Homework:  Romans Chapter 12


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